Feature.1 ========= Collect AA and level up the unit! Defeat the opponent unit! ========= Let s collect + floating by flick operation, level up unit, edit team and defeat opponent unit and collect more +. Feature.2 ========= Auto battle arou... 阅读详情
收获资源并进行交易。 建设和升级您的村庄。 招募一名军队,然后攻击其他玩家抢夺资源,不断增加你的XP和成名!... 阅读详情
■ 게임특징 ■ 사상 초유의 고공작전이 시작된다! 모바일 최초 3D 대규모 공중전! 라이징포스:강철의날개 이제 하늘을 지배하는 자가 전장을 지배한다! ■ 풀 3D 전투기에 탑승하라! ■... 阅读详情
A Tactical Wargame that allows you to command thousands of soldiers as a Union or Confederate General during the Battle of Getty***urg. The strategy game features unique hand drawn map, complex morale, innovative controls and smart AI. Ultim... 阅读详情
《钢铁游戏》是一款全球同服的多人在线策略战争游戏。在游戏中,可以与世界各地的朋友无障碍交流,在这个硝烟瀰漫的战场,怎麽一展雄风?怎麽运筹帷幄之中而决胜千裏之外?怎... 阅读详情
Welcome to Silent Depth, the first real 3d submarine simulation for mobile devices. Being a member of the Silent Service of the US Navy you take command of a Gato/Balao class submarine and go on extended patrols in the dangerous waters of th... 阅读详情
一个新的游戏由TRADEGAME Lab实验室下面空气大亨 - Ship Tycoon 这是Ship Tycoon的付费版本。 游戏开始时将提供100学分。 Ship Tycoon是一个真正的在线多人业务模拟游戏,管理一家航运公司。 随着... 阅读详情
野兽们出现在平和的丛林中开始对丛林进行破坏和掠夺。 为了保卫女神的丛林先召唤丛林守卫者! 站起来吧,勇士! . 趁我心情好快给我站起来. 为了守卫丛林需要优秀的指挥官 为了胜... 阅读详情
在这款引人入胜的耕种游戏中,将繁荣和欢乐带到你的村庄吧! 准备好通过耕种获得欢乐吗?种植水果树和草药,照料庄稼,磨练你的钓鱼技能,让你的村民饱食无忧。创建适合农业发... 阅读详情
喵星大使馆发布最新消息! 经喵星宇航局确认,本次探测活动将发射开拓级探测船。随船配备14名船员以及1名船长。他们的任务是航行至软绵绵星系的哢哢星,进行深入的地质勘探任务... 阅读详情